Sponsorship and Advertising
at the Center Theatre
Why Advertise at the Center Theatre?
It's really simple: Advertising at the Center Theatre works!
Thousands of people walk through our doors each year, looking for places to eat, shop, and relax.
Our prime location and wide variety of programming will get people from all over the state through your doors as well!
Choose from Sponsorships, Movie Ads, the Maine Whoopie Pie Festival, or a combination!
Your advertising dollars also help support the mission of the Center Theatre to make arts, education, and entertainment accessible to our rural communities to engage and inspire.
Movie Ads
With over 10,000 tickets sold per year, movies are among the Center Theatre’s most consistently well-attended events. Whether it’s a 15-second slide or a short video, your marketing assets will be viewed by audiences before each movie showing. If you want a short video, but don't have one - don't worry! We can also help you create a short video to show off your business to it's best advantage.
Center Theatre : $125/month, 3 months $250, 6 months $500
New 2nd Screen: $100/month, 3 months $200, 6 months $400
In addition to advertising, the Center Theatre also offers additional benefits to those individuals and businesses who sponsor a particular event, a class, or even or the entire season. Regardless of your level of support, you can be sure that your contribution is bringing the performing arts in all its many forms to the people of Central Maine.
$2,000 Season (12-month) Sponsorship
Full Page Advertisement in all program books for 12 months
Signage in the lobby for 12 months
Personal Thank-You before all live Theatre performances and other live shows
Acknowledgement on the Theatre’s FaceBook Page and Website
Movie Screen advertising for 12 months on both movie screens
$1,000 Show Sponsorship
½ Page Advertisement in all program books for 12 months
Personal Thank-You before performances of the sponsored show
Listing on posters and promotions for the sponsored show
Thank-you's on the Theatre’s FaceBook Page and Website
Movie Screen advertising for 12 months on both movie screens
12 Complimentary tickets to the event for yourself, friends or customers
$500 Show Sponsorship
¼ Page Advertisement in all program books for 12 months
Personal Thank-You before performances of the sponsored show
Listing on posters and promotions for the sponsored show
Movie Screen advertising for 6 months in the large theater
6 Complimentary tickets to the event for yourself, friends or customers
$250 Show Supporter
Personal Thank-You before performances of the sponsored show
Listing on posters and promotions for the sponsored show
Movie Screen advertising for 3 months in the large main theater
3 Complimentary tickets to the event for yourself, friends or customers
The Maine Whoopie Pie Festival
The sweetest day in Maine is also a sweet time to get your business seen by thousands and thousands of people. We can help you get seen by customers hungry for whoopie pies and hungry for what you offer. Festival sponsorships start at $250 and offer more exposure the more you are able to commit:
$250 Local Sponsor
Your name listed on the festival website, FaceBook page, and t-shirt
Opportunity to distribute information and/or promotions through our entrance gates
$500 Partner Sponsorship
Booth and activity space at the Festival
Your logo listed on the festival website, and FaceBook page
Your name listed on our festival t-shirt
Opportunity to distribute promotions through our entrance gates
$1,000 Major Sponsorship
Booth and activity space at the Festival
Your logo and name on our festival map
Festival passes and coupons for customers, employees, and VIPs
Your logo on the our website, FaceBook page, Letterhead, and T-shirt
Opportunity to distribute promotions through our entrance gates
$2,000 Lead Sponsor
25’ of frontage with your branding for your activities and displays
Your branded area on our festival map
Branded social media posts on our two FaceBook Pages
Prominent website listing with 30K page visits just in June
Mention in state-wide festival press releases and advertising
Your logo featured on festival mailings, FaceBook pages, and letterhead
Your logo listed prominently on our festival t-shirt
Opportunity to distribute promotions through our entrance gates
Festival passes and coupons for customers, employees, and VIPs
For more information or to get started, please contact:
Patrick Myers
Executive Director
email pmyers@centertheatre.org
or use our Contact Form